公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会(JDP)では、2011年6月1日より内部に「復興支援デザインセンターを立ち上げ、東日本大震災被災地域の経済と産業の復興をデザインによって支援する活動に取り組んでいます。そのメイン企画が、特別プロモーション「Area Aid Design Project -JDP東北茨城デザインプロモーション」です。


2011年度「Area Aid Design Project -JDP東北茨城デザインプロモーション」

Area Aid Design Project -JDP東北茨城デザインプロモーション


なお、本年度の「Area Aid Design Project」参加企業については、グッドデザイン賞一次審査の通過を条件としています。


■ 展示会、見本市等への出展

「Area Aid Design Project」参加者については、グッドデザイン賞のプロモーションの枠組みに加え、展示会・見本市の出展支援や、広報支援をおこないます。また、残念ながらグッドデザイン賞の一次審査が不通過となった対象については、デザインコンサルテーションなども予定しています。


■ 2012年度スケジュール(予定)

4月27日 ~ 6月1日グッドデザイン賞応募受付
6月2日 ~ 25日グッドデザイン賞一次審査
7月7日 ~ 9月13日グッドデザイン賞二次審査
9月5日 ~ 7日東京インターナショナル・ギフトショー(出展希望者のみ)
10月16日 ~ 21日タイでのギフトショー(出展希望者のみ)
11月23日 ~ 25日グッドデザイン賞受賞展での特別ブース出展(参加全社)

※ なお、今後のスケジュールは随時ご案内してまいります。

■ お問い合わせ先

公益財団法人日本デザイン振興会 復興支援デザインセンター
担当: 鈴木、林
E-mail: tel: 03-6743-3777 fax: 03-6743-3775
〒107-6205 東京都港区赤坂9-7-1ミッドタウン・タワー5F

※ メールアドレス内の全角文字「@」を半角文字「@」に変換してご使用ください。

The Design Centre for Reconstruction Assistance was established by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP) on June 1st, 2011. Since its inception, the Design Centre for Reconstruction Assistance has worked to support, through design, reconstruction of the economy and industry in areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake. The main responsibility of the Reconstruction Support Design Center is the "Area Aid Design Project - JDP Tohoku and Ibaraki Design Promotion".

Following the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11th 2011, enormous damage was caused in Japan’s Tohoku Region and in Ibaraki Prefecture. Design-related industries based in these areas were severely affected. The Area Aid Design Project works to support the reconstruction and regeneration of design-related industries in these areas by providing public relations and promotional support.

-> Design Centre for Reconstruction Assistance
-> Annual Report on Reconstruction Support Design Center Activities in 2011
-> "Area Aid Design Project – JDP Tohoku and Ibaraki Design Promotion" in 2011

Area Aid Design Project – JDP Tohoku and Ibaraki Design Promotion
Activities in 2012

Support for Entry to the "Good Design Award"

The JDP organizes and holds the Good Design Award each year to recognize the best of design. Since 2011, entry to the Good Design Award has been free for designers and companies with headquarters based in the Tohoku Region (Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate, Aomori, Akita and Yamagata prefectures) or Ibaraki prefecture. These special conditions for entry were introduced to provide the design and traditional industries of these areas with domestic and international public relations and promotional support.
These special conditions for entry will continue for 3 years. During this period, the JDP intends to present 100 Good Design Awards as “Tohoku + Ibaraki 100 Good Designs” to promote the charm and strengths of designs unique to these areas.
This year, only designers/companies who pass first screening for the Good Design Award will be participating in the Area Aid Design Project.


Displays at Exhibitions and Trade Fairs

As well as the promotional support provided under the aegis of the Good Design Award, the JDP will provide Area Aid Design Project participants with further support in the form of public relations and participation in exhibitions and trade fairs. The JDP also plans to provide “Design Consulting” for those designers/companies who failed to pass first screening for the Good Design Award.


2012 Schedule (to be confirmed)

Apr 27 – Jun 1Acceptance of Entries for the Good Design Award
Jun 2 – 25Good Design Award First Screening
Jul 7 – Sep 13Good Design Award Second Screening
Sep 5 – 7Tokyo International Gift Show (attendance optional)
Oct 1Announcement of the Good Design Awards
Oct 16 – 21Thailand: Bangkok International Gift Fair (attendance optional)
Nov 23 – 25Special Booth at the Good Design Exhibition (all participants)

Note: Further information concerning the above exhibitions and events will be provided as it becomes available.

For inquiries:

Japan Institute of Design Promotion (JDP), Reconstruction Support Design Center
Contact: Ms. Sae Suzuki, Ms. Ryoko Hayashi
TEL: 03-6743-3777 FAX: 03-6743-3775
Address: 5th floor, Midtown Tower, 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-6205 Japan